We in the United States are not used to seeing such signs as you see in the photo on the left. In Europe, it is a much more prevalent word in the medical world, Homeopathy. Almost every pharmacy in Paris that we saw had the word, homeopathie in big letters on the window.
How do I know this? Well, I was very fortunate this summer to attend a homeopathic conference in Paris, "Homeopathy on the Move," at the Palais de Congres. I was able to speak to homeopaths from all over the world including a French homeopath from the south of France who was working on ways to help his patients who contracted Lyme disease. Walking around the Paris streets, we saw many pharmacies, and veterinary clinics as well, which advertised homeopathie in bold letters on their doors. We stopped in Ireland on the way home and I met with homeopaths there as well. (see above photo)
People all over the world suffer the same things, and the conference sessions reflected this. Sessions on allergies, depression, pregnancy issues, lyme disease and cancer were all presented. There was a special focus on Samuel Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy, because he lived his final years in Paris, with his wife Melanie. Two groups of about 40 homeopaths met at the Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise in Paris, to pay respects to Samuel and Melanie Hahnemann. The President of the 69th Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, Philippe Servais, welcomed us in French and English to the final resting place of the father of homeopathy.
Melanie was an example of someone who came to homeopathy because the Italian doctor who brought homeopathy to France, did so because his wife was cured of a long-standing illness in Italy. "Dr. Des Guidi (the Italian doctor) had studied in Germany with Hahnemann and brought homeopathy back to France and began to practice it. As a result of the growing interest in the new medicine some of its literature was even now being turned into French. Melanie managed to get hold of a translation of the 1829 fourth edition of the Organon..." (A Homeopathic Love Story: The Story of Samuel and Melanie Hahnemann) And the rest is history.
Being in Paris, walking the streets where Hahnemann walked, and to be in the company of homeopaths from all over the world, was an inspiring and uplifting experience. My journey continues, and I have my own homeopath and homeopathic remedy which I began taking so many years ago, to thank for that. I hope that you are satisfied with where you are in your journey, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually... but if not, then...
How do I know this? Well, I was very fortunate this summer to attend a homeopathic conference in Paris, "Homeopathy on the Move," at the Palais de Congres. I was able to speak to homeopaths from all over the world including a French homeopath from the south of France who was working on ways to help his patients who contracted Lyme disease. Walking around the Paris streets, we saw many pharmacies, and veterinary clinics as well, which advertised homeopathie in bold letters on their doors. We stopped in Ireland on the way home and I met with homeopaths there as well. (see above photo)
People all over the world suffer the same things, and the conference sessions reflected this. Sessions on allergies, depression, pregnancy issues, lyme disease and cancer were all presented. There was a special focus on Samuel Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy, because he lived his final years in Paris, with his wife Melanie. Two groups of about 40 homeopaths met at the Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise in Paris, to pay respects to Samuel and Melanie Hahnemann. The President of the 69th Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, Philippe Servais, welcomed us in French and English to the final resting place of the father of homeopathy.
Melanie was an example of someone who came to homeopathy because the Italian doctor who brought homeopathy to France, did so because his wife was cured of a long-standing illness in Italy. "Dr. Des Guidi (the Italian doctor) had studied in Germany with Hahnemann and brought homeopathy back to France and began to practice it. As a result of the growing interest in the new medicine some of its literature was even now being turned into French. Melanie managed to get hold of a translation of the 1829 fourth edition of the Organon..." (A Homeopathic Love Story: The Story of Samuel and Melanie Hahnemann) And the rest is history.
Being in Paris, walking the streets where Hahnemann walked, and to be in the company of homeopaths from all over the world, was an inspiring and uplifting experience. My journey continues, and I have my own homeopath and homeopathic remedy which I began taking so many years ago, to thank for that. I hope that you are satisfied with where you are in your journey, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually... but if not, then...