Frequently Asked Questions about Homeopathy
What is a concrete definition of Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a 200 year old system of medicine founded by Samuel Hahnemann M.D. in Germany. It is based on the idea that "like cures like." The word homeopathy itself means "similar suffering," meaning the treatment of disease by minute doses of substances that in a healthy person would produce symptoms of disease. For example, cutting an onion makes us tear, so that onion, diluted many times, will help stop tears that are an allergic reaction to pollen. Allopathy (our current conventional medicine) means "opposite suffering" or the treatment of disease with drugs having opposite effects to the symptoms being treated.
What types of issues can Homeopathy help?
What is your specialty?
I will work with almost anyone who has any type of problem. I like working with people who have either an acute situation or a chronic issue that conventional medicine has not helped. Of course, it is much better to begin using Homeopathy early on, before situations become chronic. Homeopathy can help with physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual issues.
What should I expect when I meet with you?
Before we meet I will ask you to fill out an intake form, which goes through all body systems and asks for your health history. Our initial consultation will last about 1 1/2 to 2 hours, where I will find out all about you as a person. After our meeting, I will choose a homeopathic remedy that matches you and your symptoms. Then I will give you the remedy or you can purchase the remedy I suggest, and I will be in close touch with you. You can look at For New Clients to find out more details.
Do you include nutrition and mind/body/spirit health healing in your practice?
I believe that however one heals, as long as it is a way that works in tune with our body, is worth trying. I am not an expert in the other modalities, however I can give advice about some of those kinds of healing, whether the advice is from my own experience with those modalities, or suggesting a practitioner who is an expert. I will be happy to recommend other practioners.
What types of substances do you use to treat your clients? Are they herbal? Plant based? Animal based?
The medicines that are used in homeopathy are gathered from many substances, and are made in homeopathic pharmacies, of which there are a number in the United States. There are also homeopathic pharmacies in many other places in the world, where Homeopathy is used extensively. Those medicines are made from substances in nature that go through a process of dilution and potentization. Some come from plants, from animals (feathers, venom, milk, etc.) and some from minerals.
Where can i get these medicines?
You can purchase the homeopathic remedies in your local health food store, or you can order them from one of a number of homeopathic pharmacies in the United States or Europe.
How does the healing process work?
Healing is different for each individual. It depends on how long the person has had the illness or dis-ease. It depends on whether the person is on any conventional medications or not. It also depends on how much suppression there has been over the years. For some, healing will take place immediately, for others, it may take longer.
can the remedy interfere with my regular medication?
A homeopathic remedy does not have any adverse drug interactions because the dose is made from a highly diluted substance.
How do you know if the healing process is working?
Sometimes you will know right away because you will feel the difference in the way you look at the world, or because you don't have pain where you felt it before. Sometimes the effects of homeopathy are much more subtle than that. That is why it is crucial that you make follow-up appointments so that your homeopath can assess the action of the remedy. And sometimes the first remedy could be close, but not the one that will help you the most. It is important, if you want the real benefits of homeopathy, that you have patience, and that you let your homeopath know what is happening, good or bad.
are there any side effects when I take homeopathic remedies?
There are no side effects in the conventional medicine sense of side effects. The conventional "side effects" are really unwanted effects of the medicine. Because the conventional medicine is mostly substance, there can be strong effects that a person feels or sees immediately, or other effects that we don't see, but only find out after a long period, like kidney or liver issues.
With homeopathy, we sometimes see a former symptom return after taking a homeopathic remedy, which can determine that it is a good remedy, and is in the direction of cure. The main thing is that the homeopath knows how to interpret what each symptom means.
With homeopathy, we sometimes see a former symptom return after taking a homeopathic remedy, which can determine that it is a good remedy, and is in the direction of cure. The main thing is that the homeopath knows how to interpret what each symptom means.
How do you find and match the correct remedy for your clients?
The initial consultation gives me a chance to get to know you as best as I can. You will also fill out an intake form, which asks questions about all of your body systems that work together to form you as a person. From my years of training and attending seminars, I have been exposed to and have practiced the art and science of homeopathy. I have had many successes, but not 100%. There are many roads that lead to your essence, and every person's essence is unique. We will work together to get there...
Do you usually find a perfect remedy match on the first try?
In homeopathy, there is no usual! Each person is a unique individual, and sometimes the first remedy works immediately. Sometimes it takes years to peel away the onion layers of a person's unique brand of dis-ease. The benefits of homeopathy can come right away, and sometimes it takes time to find the best remedy for a person.
Have you worked with clients who have more than one ailment at the same time?
That is the beauty of homeopathy. Each person is made up of a totality of systems and symptoms. So, if you are having difficulty sleeping, and you have warts and pain in a certain part of your body, I take all of that into consideration when choosing the homeopathic remedy. I don't suggest a remedy based on one symptom, unless it is the only symptom! I base the remedy choice on you as a whole person.
This website is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnose illness, or in any way attempt to practice medicine. It is not intended to replace personal medical care from a licensed health care practitioner. Please consult your health care practitioner for any serious condition.