About Homeopathy
Homeopathy IS:
Homeopathy IS NOT:
Homeopathy can help you with:
Homeopathy is energetic healing, similar to acupuncture. It helps to find those places in our bodies that years of patterns have caused to be stuck. Releasing the energy from those places allows the vital force to let the energy flow freely and helps restore the balance in our being that will help the body to achieve the equilibrium that it needs to heal. To find out more about Homeopathy, go to FAQ or the National Center for Homeopathy. To find out what's new in Homeopathy go to Homeopathy in the News.
This website is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnose illness, or in any way attempt to practice medicine. It is not intended to replace personal medical care from a licensed health care practitioner. Please consult your health care practitioner for any serious condition.